Half Spliced Forearms

This is still a work in progress & will contain examples of different forearm samples.

This forearm uses one of the sets of veneers shown being built on the veneer pages.  Of course, the astute observer may notice that the black & white veneers are reversed.  This is because I screwed up.  I'm so used to using black as the outer veneer, I did it unconsciously.  So I had to make another set.  The correct way.  Anyway, this cored East Indian Rosewood forearm is using those veneers to accent Amboyna Burl points.  It is ready to be machined.

After the first few cuts.

And a look after everything is cleaned up.  Pic on the right has a sealer on it that darkens the wood but also smeared some color from both the Amboyna Burl & the EI Rosewood onto the bleached white veneer.  This discoloration of the white veneer will not not happen when the finish is applied.

More to come.
