I decided to go with a cored ebony handle. Black leather is nice
but this cue will be a tribute to wood - so ebony, it will be. To
further control weight, I'm using a threaded phenolic pin to join both

You can see the maple cores have already been threaded for the phenolic
pin. The register diameters are also grooved for glue retention.
Note that the glue grooves on the cores are easily visible around the
periphery of the cores - 4 grooves on the forearm & 3 on the handle.
Appropriately, they are completely filled with glue. The
combination of close threads and accurate registers will align & secure
the components for a solid hitting cue.

The handle has been assembled & I'm ready to install the buttsleeve/mini
Hoppe buttcap components.

A closer look at the components: a black phenolic ring that helps the
transition between the handle & the buttsleeve, the buttsleeve itself
(already bored to .877" diameter), the mini Hoppe ring (made of Juma)
and finally, the black phenolic buttcap. This arrangement probably
looks different to you because I want to maximize the glue surface of
the Hoppe style buttcap.

A trial fit of the mini Hoppe style buttcap components shows how the
glue surface for these parts is greatly increased compared to simply
gluing white & black rings on the end of the cue. The buttsleeve
will fit on the tenon between the buttcap and the handle.

Fit looks good & overall length is good. When this is glued
together, cut to size & clearcoated, the phenolic will turn deep black &
match the ebony's color perfectly. Then it's time for inlays;
probably something small & discrete.
I finally decided on the inlays but forgot to take any pictures until it
was too late. However, I did make a short video showing the
engraving process. You can see it
I also made a short video showing the cue with the first coats of clear
You can see it

And I finally got to meet the Jungle Pixie herself!